Right now I buy them to juice, but soon I can just collect it all from my living room! Hopefully.........
I see more pots and soil in my future. I better start a garden savings.
I live in a condo and we don't even have porches! Do you think I will let That stop me? Heck no. I'm moving toward better health, I say as I sit here eating a piece of my awesome chocolate cake that I made last night (shhhhhhhh. Don't tell). This is a Slow transition. I usually get some good sunlight, at my front window, during the day so I'm giving it a shot. The herbs are doing well. Except for the oregano. Not sure what's wrong with it, but Very slowly, it's making it's way. I have 3 different kinds of basil, which you can see are doing very well. Sweet, Lemon and Lime. There's also some Cilantro, Parsley and chives. The chives seem to be struggling, but I have faith they will also pull through.

I bought seeds for Lettuce, Spinach and Kale. Green Beans, Carrots, Radishes and Rosemary. Bottom left you will see starter Cherry Tomato. I also have a starter Banana Pepper, Squash and Orange Pepper plant. Organic soil, the right pots, water, sun and Love. What else could they need. I can't Wait to start eating from my indoor garden! Send love and prayers to my beautiful plants.